About 1880
Turrón is born in Spain, in the province of Alicante, in the 15th century. It was brought by the Arabs as a sweet elaborated by the family members and in small quantities.
In 1725, Bautista Sirvent founded the current company and, since then, it has been passed on from generation to generation by the Sirvent family.
1880 is one of the most emblematic companies in the quality Turrón and Sweet sector. The recipe of Turrones 1880 was elaborated only for family and friends consumption using the best raw materials, almond and honey.
During postwar era, raw materials where expensive to make the miracle recipe. That’s when the family came out with the iconic tagline “El Turrón más caro del mundo”, which means "The most expensive turron in the world".
The 1880 brand, which takes its name for being the date of the first written recipe that has been recorded, was presented as a delicatessen product and this premium concept has been maintained throughout the years by the consumers.
More than 300 years of tradition making these precious sweets prove it.
At present, 1880 maintains the formulas, values and traditional flavors, using the most advanced technology and monitoring the online traceability processes knowing at any time in which state the production of turron and sweets is so that they arrive to the customers with all the flavor guarantee by 1880.
1880 is a historic company whose success is based on the adaptability to the new challenges and trends of the current market, and the talent of its people.
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